Victor Doroshenko


Dec 21, 2018

Dramatic spectral transition of X-ray pulsar GX 304-1 in low luminous state

Finally something new in X-ray pulsar astronomy! Now X Persei is not alone anymore.


We report on the discovery of a dramatic change in the energy spectrum of the X-ray pulsar GX 304-1 appearing at low luminosity. Particularly, we found that the cut-off power-law spectrum typical for accreting pulsars, including GX 304-1 at higher luminosities of \(L_X\sim10^{36-37}\) erg s\(^{-1}\), transformed at lower luminosity of \(L_X\sim10^{34}\) erg s\(^{-1}\) to a two-component spectrum peaking around 5 and 40 keV. We suggest that the observed transition corresponds to a change of the dominant mechanism responsible for the deceleration of the accretion flow. We argue that the accretion flow energy at low accretion rates is released in the atmosphere of the neutron star, and the low-energy component in the source spectrum corresponds to the thermal emission of the optically thick, heated atmospheric layers. The most plausible explanations for the high-energy component are either the cyclotron emission reprocessed by the magnetic Compton scattering or the thermal radiation of deep atmospheric layers partly Comptonized in the overheated upper layers. Alternative scenarios are also discussed.